Alexandroupolis overview
Modern name(s) Mesimvria
Region Aegean
Latitude 40.86324269 N suggest info
Longitude 25.63832907 E
Status Accurate location
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40.863243, 25.638329 === 40.863243 N, 25.638329 E === 40° 51' 47.7" N, 25° 38' 18.0" E
Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form. At present, Pleiades has extensive coverage for the Greek and Roman world, and is expanding culturally, spatially, and temporally.
Nearest sites Mesembria, circa 8.8 km (5.5 mi) east
Maroneia, Ismara, circa 10.7 km (6.6 mi) west
Samothrace, Palaeopoli, circa 41.3 km (25.7 mi) south
Ainos, Aenus, Poltyobria, Enez, circa 40.3 km (25.1 mi) east
Abdera, circa 56.3 km (35 mi) west
Temple of Herakles, circa 78 km (48.5 mi) west
Perperikon, circa 95.8 km (59.6 mi) north
Mikri Doxipara-Zoni, circa 88.4 km (54.9 mi) north-east
Thassos, circa 78.4 km (48.7 mi) west
Sestos, Sestiacos sinus, circa 96.2 km (59.7 mi) south-east
Sigeion, circa 107.3 km (66.7 mi) south-east
Abydos, Abydus, circa 98.9 km (61.5 mi) south-east
Achilleion, Achilleum, circa 114.1 km (70.9 mi) south-east
Ilios, Wilusa, Ilion, Troas, Troy, circa 112.8 km (70.1 mi) south-east
Rhoiteion, Rhoeteum, circa 110.3 km (68.5 mi) south-east
Ophrynium, circa 110.3 km (68.5 mi) south-east
Myrina, circa 120.2 km (74.7 mi) south-west
Kalyva, circa 96 km (59.7 mi) west
Alexandria Troas, circa 131.3 km (81.6 mi) south-east
Lampsakos, circa 105.6 km (65.6 mi) south-east
≫ more...
Database ID 2397, created 3 Mar 2013, 17:13, Last changed 3 Mar 2013, 17:13