Rhaikelos overview
Other name(s) Rhaecelus
Region Aegean
Latitude 40.47068873 N suggest info
Longitude 22.85435321 E
Status Imprecise
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40.470689, 22.854353 === 40.470689 N, 22.854353 E === 40° 28' 14.5" N, 22° 51' 15.7" E
This is a collection of images, thoughts, and resources about Ancient Greece. This site does not aspire to be a definitive and finite publication on the subject. Instead it exists in constant flux and evolves through time.
Thomas Sakoulas
Professor and Chair of the Art Department at the State University of New York, at Oneonta.
Nearest sites Aineia, Aenea, circa 1.6 km (1766 yd) south-east
Thessalonica, Salonika, Salonica, Thessaloniki, circa 20.6 km (12.8 mi) north-east
Pella, circa 42.4 km (26.4 mi) north-west
Mende, circa 44 km (27.4 mi) east
Dion, circa 44.9 km (27.9 mi) south-west
Aeges, circa 45 km (28 mi) west
Vergina, circa 45 km (28 mi) west
Olynthos, circa 46.6 km (28.9 mi) east
Potidaia, Potidaea, circa 50.5 km (31.4 mi) south-east
Berea, Veroia, circa 55.3 km (34.4 mi) west
Apollonia of Mygdonia, circa 56.5 km (35.1 mi) east
Olympos, circa 60.8 km (37.8 mi) south-west
Palatianon, Palatiano, circa 75.2 km (46.7 mi) north
Edessa, circa 76.4 km (47.5 mi) west
Neapolis, Polychrono, circa 76.4 km (47.5 mi) south-east
Edessa, Amphitheatre, circa 77.2 km (48 mi) north-west
Stageira, circa 80.6 km (50.1 mi) east
Akanthos, Acanthus, Ierissos, Stagira-Akanthos, circa 87 km (54.1 mi) east
Acanthos, circa 87.9 km (54.6 mi) east
Amphipolis, circa 92.3 km (57.4 mi) east
≫ more...
Database ID 24338, created 10 Apr 2023, 03:02, Last changed 10 Apr 2023, 03:02