Orikum overview
Other name(s) Oricum
Region Mediterranean
Section Adriatic
Latitude 40.31924991 N suggest info
Longitude 19.42802901 E
Status Accurate location
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40.319250, 19.428029 === 40.319250 N, 19.428029 E === 40° 19' 9.3" N, 19° 25' 40.9" E
Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form. At present, Pleiades has extensive coverage for the Greek and Roman world, and is expanding culturally, spatially, and temporally.
Nearest sites Aulon, Vlorë, circa 15.9 km (9.9 mi) north-east
Amantia, circa 23.5 km (14.6 mi) east
Byllis, circa 36.1 km (22.4 mi) north-east
Apollonia, circa 44.9 km (27.9 mi) north
Belegrada, Berat, circa 61.5 km (38.2 mi) north-east
Antipatreia, Antipatrea, Berat, circa 61.8 km (38.4 mi) north-east
Phoenike, Phoenice, Finiq, circa 70 km (43.5 mi) south-east
Antigoneia, Antigonia, Antigonea, Antigona, circa 72 km (44.8 mi) east
Hudrous, Hydrus, Hydruntum, Otranto, circa 81.8 km (50.8 mi) west
Bouthroton, Butrint, circa 81.3 km (50.5 mi) south-east
Korkyra, Corfu, circa 87.9 km (54.6 mi) south-east
Adrianopolis, Hadrianopolis, Dropull, circa 76.6 km (47.6 mi) east
Muro Leccese, circa 95.7 km (59.4 mi) west
Epidamnos, Dyrrachion, Durres, circa 110.4 km (68.6 mi) north
Scamnum, Muro Tenente, circa 144.9 km (90 mi) west
Uxentum, Ugento, circa 116.1 km (72.1 mi) west
Vitsa, circa 122.4 km (76 mi) east
Elea, circa 136.9 km (85.1 mi) south-east
Lissos, circa 163.9 km (101.8 mi) north
Nekromanteion, Necromandio, circa 153.1 km (95.1 mi) south-east
≫ more...
Database ID 2460, created 1 May 2012, 17:13, Last changed 21 Sep 2014, 11:46