Takht-i-Suleiman overview
Other name(s) Takht-e Soleyman
Modern name(s) Takht-i-Suleiman
Region Zagros, Elam, and Iran
Latitude 36.60487584 N suggest info
Longitude 47.23476629 E
Status Accurate location
Info This is the archetypical place of the abzu, realm of the god Enki.

In later times the Takht-e Suleiman became one of the most prominent sacred places of the ancient fire cult of western Iran, Zoroastrism.
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36.604876, 47.234766 === 36.604876 N, 47.234766 E === 36° 36' 17.6" N, 47° 14' 5.2" E
Encyclopædia Iranica
The Encyclopædia Iranica is dedicated to the study of Iranian civilization in the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent. The academic reference work will eventually cover all aspects of Iranian history and culture as well as all Iranian languages and literature, facilitating the whole range of Iranian studies research from archeology to political sciences.
Web Takht-i-Suleiman at Wikipedia
Nearest sites Zend-i Suleiman, circa 3.1 km (1.9 mi) west
Ziwiyeh, circa 62.1 km (38.6 mi) south-west
Izertu, Zirtu, Bukan, circa 92.2 km (57.3 mi) west
Kandovan, circa 158.6 km (98.5 mi) north-west
Hajji Firuz Tepe, circa 162.6 km (101 mi) west
Hasanlu Tepe, Hasanloo, circa 164.3 km (102.1 mi) west
Dalma Tepe, circa 166.9 km (103.7 mi) west
Naqadeh tepe, Sulduz, Naqadeh, circa 169 km (105 mi) west
Pasveh, Rasuh tepe, circa 171.1 km (106.3 mi) west
Tabriz, circa 182.9 km (113.6 mi) north-west
Gerde Sefe, North, circa 184.9 km (114.9 mi) south-west
Gerde Sefe, South, circa 185.2 km (115.1 mi) south-west
unidentified site, Tapa Gulawi, circa 187.2 km (116.3 mi) south-west
Yanik Tepe, circa 187.8 km (116.7 mi) north-west
Dinkha Tepe, circa 189.6 km (117.8 mi) west
Qusheh Dagh, Mountain of Cush, circa 193.4 km (120.2 mi) north
Yasin Teppe, circa 198.7 km (123.5 mi) south-west
Gerde Resh, circa 199.7 km (124.1 mi) south-west
Marlik Tepe, circa 199.8 km (124.2 mi) east
Teppe Dizajtakye, circa 204.6 km (127.1 mi) west
≫ more...
Database ID 30, created 9 Apr 2010, 03:24, Last changed 18 Oct 2015, 10:45