Aegosthena overview
Region Aegean
Latitude 38.1473054 N suggest info
Longitude 23.22839801 E
Status Accurate location
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38.147305, 23.228398 === 38.147305 N, 23.228398 E === 38° 8' 50.3" N, 23° 13' 42.2" E
Nearest sites Plataia, circa 9.2 km (5.7 mi) north-east
Megara, circa 19.7 km (12.2 mi) south-east
Thebai, Cadmeia, Thebes, circa 20.8 km (12.9 mi) north-east
Gla, circa 37.6 km (23.4 mi) north
Isthmia, circa 32.9 km (20.5 mi) south-west
Eleusis, circa 29.6 km (18.4 mi) east
Kenchreai, Cenchreae, circa 35.7 km (22.2 mi) south-west
Kenchreai Peninsula, circa 37 km (23 mi) south-west
Akrokorinthos, circa 42.3 km (26.3 mi) south-west
Perachora, circa 35.3 km (22 mi) west
Graia, Graea, Paralia Avlidos, Dramesi, circa 43.6 km (27.1 mi) north-east
Academy of Plato, circa 45.2 km (28.1 mi) east
Orchomenos, Boeotia, circa 44.4 km (27.6 mi) north-west
Hyria, circa 45.3 km (28.1 mi) north-east
Aegina, Temple of Apollo, circa 47.4 km (29.4 mi) south-east
Korinthos, circa 40.8 km (25.3 mi) south-west
Aulis, Avlida, circa 43.5 km (27.1 mi) north-east
Piraeus (Eetioneia Gate), circa 42 km (26.1 mi) south-east
Piraeus, circa 43.1 km (26.8 mi) south-east
Piraeus (Theater), circa 43.3 km (26.9 mi) south-east
≫ more...
Database ID 3419, created 1 Jan 2011, 12:00, Last changed 6 Mar 2011, 21:19