Erythrai overview
Other name(s) Erythrae
Modern name(s) Ildir
Region Aegean
Section Ionian
Latitude 38.38115683 N suggest info
Longitude 26.48105939 E
Status Accurate location
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38.381157, 26.481059 === 38.381157 N, 26.481059 E === 38° 22' 52.2" N, 26° 28' 51.8" E
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Related site Erythrai Thatre, circa 175 m (192 yd) north
Nearest sites Liman Tepe, Klazomenai, Clazomenae, Urla Iskelesi, circa 25.8 km (16 mi) east
Klazomenai, circa 26.7 km (16.6 mi) east
Teos, circa 34.9 km (21.7 mi) south-east
Phokaia, Phocaea, Foça, circa 39.7 km (24.7 mi) north-east
Lebedos, Levedos, circa 54.5 km (33.9 mi) south-east
Larissa, Phrikonis, Buruncuk, circa 57.5 km (35.7 mi) north-east
Neon Teichos, circa 61.5 km (38.2 mi) north-east
Myrina, Sebatepolis, Aliaga, circa 67.7 km (42 mi) north-east
Temnos, Temnus, circa 68.6 km (42.6 mi) north-east
Pitane, Çandarli, circa 72.7 km (45.2 mi) north-east
[Placemark], circa 81.5 km (50.7 mi) north
Smyrna, Izmir, circa 58 km (36 mi) east
Gryneion, Grynium, Yenisakran, circa 74.7 km (46.4 mi) north-east
Smyrna, Tepekule, Bayrakli, circa 60.8 km (37.8 mi) east
Elea, Cidaenis, circa 78.9 km (49 mi) north-east
Aigai, Aigaiai, Aegae, Aegaeae, Nemrutkale, Nemrut Kalesi, circa 79.3 km (49.3 mi) north-east
Mytilene Theatre, circa 81.3 km (50.5 mi) north
Mytilene, Mytilini, circa 81.3 km (50.5 mi) north
Heraion of Samos, circa 86.5 km (53.7 mi) south-east
≫ more...
Database ID 6938, created 9 Oct 2012, 00:01, Last changed 10 Apr 2023, 02:19