Jiaohe overview
Region Asia : Central Asia
Latitude 42.95129622 N suggest info
Longitude 89.06363786 E
Status Accurate location
time frame from circa 1800 BCE to 108 BCE
Anterior Jushi Kingdom
time frame from 108 BCE to 450 CE
External Links
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42.951296, 89.063638 === 42.951296 N, 89.063638 E === 42° 57' 4.7" N, 89° 3' 49.1" E
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Nearest sites Miran, circa 414.2 km (257.4 mi) south
Astana, circa 38.5 km (23.9 mi) east
Bezeklik, circa 38.7 km (24.1 mi) east
Ürümqi, circa 151.8 km (94.3 mi) north-west
Vaishali, circa 1917.3 km (1191.4 mi) south
Mahabodhi, circa 2063.8 km (1282.4 mi) south
Database ID 7141, created 31 Jul 2012, 20:10, Last changed 6 Apr 2014, 01:21