Tomb of Amenhotep 2 overview
Other name(s) KV35
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Tombs
Latitude 25.74001004 N suggest info
Longitude 32.60016793 E
Status Imprecise
Nearest sites
within 500 km
Tomb of animal burials, KV51, circa 27 m (29 yd) south-east
Tomb of Maiherpri, KV36, circa 40 m (44 yd) south
Tomb of Amenemipet, KV48, circa 40 m (44 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV12, circa 56 m (62 yd) south
Tomb of unidentified person, KV49, circa 53 m (58 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV53, circa 58 m (63 yd) east
Tomb of Horemheb, KV57, circa 63 m (69 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV29, circa 81 m (89 yd) south-east
Tomb of Bay, KV13, circa 87 m (95 yd) south-west
Tomb of unidentified person, KV58, circa 72 m (79 yd) east
Tomb of Siptah, KV47, circa 95 m (104 yd) south
Tomb of Twosret, KV14, circa 108 m (118 yd) south
Tomb of unidentified person, KV56, circa 91 m (100 yd) east
Tomb of Royal Children, KV40, circa 120 m (131 yd) south-east
Tomb of Ramesses 3, KV11, circa 97 m (106 yd) east
Tomb of Thutmose 1, KV38, circa 124 m (135 yd) south
Tomb of unidentified person, KV26, circa 131 m (143 yd) south-east
Tomb of Seti 2, KV15, circa 138 m (151 yd) south
Tomb of Merenptah, KV08, circa 121 m (132 yd) north-east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV30, circa 143 m (156 yd) south
Tomb of unidentified person, KV59, circa 143 m (157 yd) south-east
Tomb of Amenmesse, KV10, circa 118 m (130 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV31, circa 156 m (170 yd) south
Mummification storage chamber, KV63, circa 129 m (141 yd) east
Tomb of Tutankhamen, KV62, circa 132 m (144 yd) east
Tomb of Ramesses 5 and Ramesses 6, KV09, circa 134 m (146 yd) east
Tomb of Tia'a, KV32, circa 178 m (195 yd) south
Tomb of unidentified person, KV37, circa 179 m (195 yd) south
Tomb of Ramesses 2, KV07, circa 165 m (181 yd) north-east
Tomb of Tiye or Akhenaten, KV55, circa 163 m (178 yd) east
Tomb of Ramesses 1, KV16, circa 164 m (179 yd) east
Tomb of Ramesses 9, KV06, circa 176 m (192 yd) east
Tomb of Nehmes Bastet, KV64, circa 226 m (247 yd) south
Tomb of Seti 1, KV17, circa 179 m (196 yd) east
Tomb of Queen Hatshepsut-Meryetre, KV42, circa 233 m (255 yd) south
Tomb of Thutmose 3, KV34, circa 238 m (260 yd) south
Tomb of unidentified person, KV33, circa 238 m (260 yd) south
Tomb of the sons of Ramesses 2, KV05, circa 201 m (220 yd) east
Tomb of Ramesses 10, KV18, circa 208 m (228 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV54, circa 231 m (252 yd) east
Tomb of Ramesses 4, KV02, circa 258 m (282 yd) north-east
Tomb of unidentified son of Ramesses 3, KV03, circa 275 m (301 yd) north-east
Tomb of Ramesses 7, KV01, circa 321 m (351 yd) north-east
Tomb of Yuya and Thuyu, KV46, circa 277 m (302 yd) east
Tomb of Ramesses 11, KV04, circa 285 m (312 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV21, circa 290 m (317 yd) east
Tomb of Userhet, KV45, circa 290 m (317 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV44, circa 298 m (326 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV27, circa 300 m (328 yd) east
Tomb of Sitre Inet, KV60, circa 317 m (347 yd) east
Tomb of Amenhotep 1 ?, KV39, circa 411 m (449 yd) south
Tomb of Thutmose 4, KV43, circa 331 m (362 yd) south-east
Tomb of Mentuherkhepshef, KV19, circa 328 m (358 yd) east
Tomb of Thutmose 1 and Hatshepsut, KV20, circa 362 m (396 yd) east
Tomb of Amenhotep 3, WV22, circa 467 m (511 yd) north-west
Tomb of unidentified person, KV41, circa 583 m (638 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, WV25, circa 751 m (821 yd) west
Tomb of unidentified person, WV24, circa 768 m (840 yd) west
Tomb of Ay, WV23, circa 831 m (909 yd) west
Tomb of Sennefer, TT96, circa 1117 m (1221 yd) south-east
Temple of Hathor and Maat, Deir el-Medina, circa 1245 m (1361 yd) south
Set Maat, Deir el-Medina, circa 1300 m (1422 yd) south
Tomb of Harwa, TT37, circa 1262 m (1381 yd) south-east
Temple of Towseret, circa 1.7 km (1841 yd) south-east
Merenptah temple, circa 1.8 km (1954 yd) south-east
Ramesseum, circa 1.7 km (1887 yd) south-east
Aten, The Rise of Aten, circa 1.9 km (2101 yd) south
Temple of Amenhotep 3, circa 2.5 km (1.5 mi) south
Colossi of Memnon, circa 2.4 km (2626 yd) south-east
Temple of Ramses 3 at Medinet Habu, circa 2.2 km (2423 yd) south
Palace of Amenhotep 3, Malkata, circa 2.9 km (1.8 mi) south
Temple of Seti 1, circa 2.9 km (1.8 mi) east
Temple of Sankhkare Mentuhotep 3, circa 3 km (1.9 mi) north
Temple at Deir el Shelwit, circa 5.4 km (3.4 mi) south-west
Luxor Temple, circa 5.9 km (3.7 mi) south-east
Waset, Thebes, Luxor, circa 6.2 km (3.9 mi) south-east
Waset, great Amun temple, Waset, great Amun temple, circa 6.3 km (3.9 mi) east
Madu, Nag el-Madamud, circa 11 km (6.8 mi) east
Iuny, Hermonthis, Erment, Armant, circa 14.3 km (8.9 mi) south-west
Kastron Thebon, circa 13.2 km (8.2 mi) south
Djerty, Tuphium, Tod, circa 18.7 km (11.6 mi) south-west
Naqada, Nagade, circa 22.3 km (13.8 mi) north-east
Temple at Shanhur, circa 22.2 km (13.8 mi) north-east
Gesa, Apollonopolis Parva, Qus, circa 25 km (15.5 mi) north-east
Pyramid at Ombos, Naqada, circa 24.8 km (15.4 mi) north-east
Nubt, Ombos, Tukh, circa 29.2 km (18.2 mi) north-east
Set temple at Nubt, circa 29.2 km (18.2 mi) north-east
Pyramid of Huni, Tukh Pyramid, circa 29.5 km (18.3 mi) north-east
Inerty, Per-Hathor, Pathyris, Aphroditopolis, Gebelein, circa 30.1 km (18.7 mi) south-west
Al Miallah, circa 30.8 km (19.1 mi) south
Gebtu, Coptos, Qift, circa 35.8 km (22.2 mi) north-east
Ta-ynt-netert, Iunet, Tantere, Tentyra, Denderah, Dendera, circa 45.2 km (28.1 mi) north
Iunyt, Ta-senet, Latopolis, Letopolis, Esna, Isna, Sne, circa 49.8 km (31 mi) south
Taramsa Hill, circa 43 km (26.7 mi) north
Hut-Sekhem, Diospolis Parva, Diospolis Mikra, Hiw, circa 44.6 km (27.7 mi) north-west
Chenoboskion, Sheneset, Al-Qasr, circa 45.9 km (28.5 mi) north-west
Kaine, Caene, Cainepolis, Maximianopolis, Keneh, Qena, circa 48.4 km (30.1 mi) north
Nagaa Hammadi, circa 49.8 km (31 mi) north-west
Contra Latopolis, Al Hillah, circa 50.6 km (31.5 mi) south
Pyramid of El-Kula, Step-pyramid, circa 68.8 km (42.7 mi) south
Nekheb, Eileithyiaspolis, Lucinae Civitas, El Kab, circa 71.8 km (44.6 mi) south
Nekhen, Hierakonpolis, Kom El-Ahmar, circa 73.7 km (45.8 mi) south
Enclosure of Khasekhemwy, circa 74.2 km (46.1 mi) south
Inscribed rocks, circa 70.7 km (43.9 mi) south
Inscribed rocks, circa 70.8 km (44 mi) south
Temple of Thutmosis 3, circa 70.8 km (44 mi) south
Shesmetet temple, circa 70.8 km (44 mi) south
Chapel of Ramesses 2, circa 70.9 km (44 mi) south
Rock-cut tombs at Nekheb, circa 71 km (44.1 mi) south
Behdet, Apollonopolis Magna, Edfu, Idfu, circa 89.1 km (55.4 mi) south
Pyramid at Edfu (South), circa 91.8 km (57.1 mi) south
Pyramid at Sink, circa 78.6 km (48.8 mi) north-west
Osireion, circa 84.2 km (52.3 mi) north-west
Pyramid of Ahmose, circa 82 km (51 mi) north-west
Tomb of Khasekhemwy, circa 84.3 km (52.4 mi) north-west
Queen's shrine of Ahmose, Tetisheri, circa 81.9 km (50.9 mi) north-west
Tomb of Qa'a, circa 84.4 km (52.4 mi) north-west
Tomb of Semerkhet, U, circa 84.4 km (52.4 mi) north-west
Tomb of Den, T, circa 84.4 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Tomb of Djer, O, circa 84.5 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Tomb of Aha, B10, B15, B19, circa 84.5 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Tomb of Djet, Z, circa 84.5 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Tomb of Meren-Neith, Y, circa 84.5 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Tomb of Narmer, B17, B18, circa 84.5 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Tomb of Iry-Hor, B1, B2, circa 84.5 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Tomb of Ka, B7, B8, B9, circa 84.5 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Temple of Ahmose, circa 82.2 km (51.1 mi) north-west
Tomb of Anedjib, X, circa 84.5 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Tomb of Scorpion 1 ?, U-j, circa 84.5 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Enclosure of Khasekhemwy, Shunet ez Zebib, circa 85.3 km (53 mi) north-west
Enclosure of Merneith, circa 85.4 km (53 mi) north-west
Western Mastaba, circa 85.4 km (53.1 mi) north-west
Enclosure of Djet, circa 85.4 km (53.1 mi) north-west
Enclosure of Djer, circa 85.5 km (53.1 mi) north-west
Enclosure of Peribsen, circa 85.5 km (53.1 mi) north-west
Enclosures of Aha, circa 85.5 km (53.2 mi) north-west
Temple of Seti 1, circa 84.2 km (52.3 mi) north-west
Temple of Ramesses 2, circa 84.5 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Cemetery at Abdju, Abydos, Umm el Ga'ab, circa 84.4 km (52.5 mi) north-west
Abdju, Abydos, Abidus, Kom es Sultan, circa 85.3 km (53 mi) north-west
Temple at Edfu, circa 89.1 km (55.3 mi) south
Rock-cut tombs at Thinis, circa 94.5 km (58.7 mi) north-west
Tjenu, Thinis, Girga, circa 96.4 km (59.9 mi) north-west
Mastaba at Darah K1, circa 103.3 km (64.2 mi) north-west
Kheny, Khenu, Gebel el-Silsila, circa 125.6 km (78 mi) south
Ptolemais Hermiou, Psoi, Al Minshah, circa 114.4 km (71.1 mi) north-west
Rock-cut tombs at Akhmim, circa 123.3 km (76.6 mi) north-west
Apu, Khen-min, Khemmis, Panopolis, Akhmim, circa 125.3 km (77.8 mi) north-west
Nubt, Ombos, Kom Ombo, circa 147 km (91.3 mi) south
Hut-Repyt, Athribis, Tripheion, Wannina, circa 126.1 km (78.3 mi) north-west
Temple of Athribis, circa 126.8 km (78.8 mi) north-west
Gebel el-Silsila, circa 126.9 km (78.9 mi) south
Pyramid at Elephantine, circa 186.2 km (115.7 mi) south
Abu, Elephantine, circa 186.3 km (115.8 mi) south
Swenet, Syene, Aswan, circa 186.3 km (115.8 mi) south
Pilak, Philae, circa 192.8 km (119.8 mi) south
Tjebu, Djew-Qa, Antaeopolis, Qau, Qaw el-Kebir, circa 170.9 km (106.2 mi) north-west
Tombs at El-Hammamiya, circa 173.1 km (107.6 mi) north-west
Al-Badari, circa 182.6 km (113.5 mi) north-west
Deir Anba Simaan, St. Simeon Coptic Monastery, circa 185 km (115 mi) south
Apotheke, Abutig, Abu Tij, circa 192.8 km (119.8 mi) north-west
Konosso, circa 192.8 km (119.8 mi) south
Temple at Senmet, Bigeh island, circa 193.2 km (120 mi) south
Temple at Beit el-Wali, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) south
Talmis, New Kalabsha, Khor Ingi Island, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) south
Temple at Kalabsha, circa 199.7 km (124.1 mi) south
Chapel of Dedwen, circa 199.7 km (124.1 mi) south
Temple at Gerf Hussein, circa 199.7 km (124.1 mi) south
Kiosk of Kartassi, circa 199.7 km (124.1 mi) south
El-Bagawat necropolis, Al-Bagawat, circa 207 km (128.6 mi) west
Zawty, Lycopolis, Lykopolis, Asyut, circa 214 km (133 mi) north-west
Pr-Nemty, Hierakon, Theracon, Al Atawla, circa 216.2 km (134.4 mi) north-west
Nadura temple, circa 206.4 km (128.2 mi) west
Temple of Hibis, circa 207.1 km (128.7 mi) west
Qasr ez-Zaiyan, circa 210.8 km (131 mi) west
Umm El-Mawagir, "Northern (Bakery) Area", circa 210.4 km (130.8 mi) west
Ain Askar, circa 210.6 km (130.9 mi) west
Umm El-Mawagir, "Central Area", circa 210.8 km (131 mi) west
Qasr el-Ghweita, circa 211.1 km (131.1 mi) west
Qasr Dush, circa 229.2 km (142.4 mi) south-west
Ain Manawir, circa 233 km (144.8 mi) south-west
Pyramid of Khui, circa 244.9 km (152.2 mi) north-west
Cusas, Al Qusiyyah, circa 259.2 km (161.1 mi) north-west
Akhetaten, Tell el Amarna, circa 271.2 km (168.5 mi) north-west
Meir, circa 264.2 km (164.2 mi) north-west
Tutzis, Temple of Dendur, circa 264.5 km (164.3 mi) south
el-Sheikh Sa'id, circa 277.7 km (172.6 mi) north-west
Deir el-Bersha, circa 280.2 km (174.1 mi) north-west
Panehsy's House, circa 271 km (168.4 mi) north-west
Aten temple, circa 271.1 km (168.5 mi) north-west
Great Aten temple, circa 271.5 km (168.7 mi) north-west
North palace at Akhetaten, circa 272.8 km (169.5 mi) north-west
Hierasykaminos, Al-Maharraqa, circa 326.9 km (203.1 mi) south
New Wadi es-Sebua, circa 327.7 km (203.6 mi) south
Khnum, Khemennu, Hermopolis Magna, El-Ashmunein, circa 288.7 km (179.4 mi) north-west
Beni Hasan, circa 297.4 km (184.8 mi) north-west
Contra Pselchis, circa 285 km (177.1 mi) south
Temple at Ad-Darr, circa 336.2 km (208.9 mi) south
Temple at Amada, circa 336.3 km (209 mi) south
Antinoopolis, El-Shaikh Ebada, circa 286.8 km (178.2 mi) north-west
Tuna el-Gebel, circa 291.1 km (180.9 mi) north-west
Mastaba at Zawyet el-Maiyitin, circa 310.8 km (193.1 mi) north-west
Hebenu, Kom el-Ahmar, circa 311.5 km (193.6 mi) north-west
Speos Artemidos, circa 295.4 km (183.6 mi) north-west
Hierasykaminos, Al-Maharraqa, circa 297.2 km (184.7 mi) south
Jebel Musa, Mount Sinai, circa 339.6 km (211 mi) north-east
Menat Khufu, Tmoone, Minya, circa 318.5 km (197.9 mi) north-west
Pselqet, Pselchis, Ad-Dakka, circa 326.8 km (203.1 mi) south
Dehenet, Mernefer, Akoris, Tihna el Gabal, circa 326.5 km (202.9 mi) north-west
Wadi es-Sebua, circa 327.1 km (203.3 mi) south
Hut-nesu, Kom el-Ahmar Sawaris, Sharuna, circa 361 km (224.3 mi) north-west
Abu Simbel, circa 391.2 km (243.1 mi) south
Chysis, Shusha, circa 343.3 km (213.3 mi) north-west
Deir El Anba Bola, Saint Paul Monastery, circa 345.4 km (214.7 mi) north
Qasr Ibrim, Primis, circa 349.1 km (216.9 mi) south
Qustul, circa 410.1 km (254.8 mi) south
Berenice Troglodytica, Baranis, Medinet-el Haras, circa 354.4 km (220.2 mi) south-east
Amphitheatre at Oxyrynchus, circa 365.8 km (227.3 mi) north-west
Per-Medjed, Oxyrhynchus, el-Bahnasa, circa 366.2 km (227.5 mi) north-west
Hat-nen-nesu, Heracleopolis, Ehnasya, Ehnas, Ihnasiya Umm al-Kimam, circa 406.7 km (252.7 mi) north-west
Arminna, circa 368.4 km (228.9 mi) south
Bedkholo, Deir Abu Matta, circa 369.4 km (229.6 mi) west
Kom Medinet Gurob, Ghurab, circa 417.8 km (259.6 mi) north-west
Kahun, El-Lahun, circa 420.3 km (261.2 mi) north-west
Temple at Serabit el-Khadem, circa 376.3 km (233.8 mi) north
Pyramid of Senusret 2, circa 420.7 km (261.4 mi) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 2, circa 420.7 km (261.4 mi) north-west
Tpyhwt, Aphroditopolis, Atfih, circa 428.8 km (266.5 mi) north
Tayu-djayet, Ankyronpolis, Teudjo, Al-Hiba, circa 377.3 km (234.4 mi) north-west
Tebtunis, circa 416.1 km (258.5 mi) north-west
Hatwaret, Crocodilopolis, Hawara, circa 426 km (264.7 mi) north-west
Cemetery at Girza, circa 434.4 km (269.9 mi) north
Pyramid of Amenemhat 3 (B), Labyrinth, circa 427.2 km (265.4 mi) north-west
Pyramid of Amenemhat 3 (B), circa 427.3 km (265.5 mi) north-west
Pyramid at Seila, Step-pyramid, circa 432.8 km (268.9 mi) north-west
Predynastic Cemetery at Tarkhan, circa 438.9 km (272.7 mi) north
Qalat Al-Guindi, circa 460.1 km (285.9 mi) north
Buhen, circa 447.2 km (277.9 mi) south
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 1, Neferu, circa 445.9 km (277 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Senusret 1, circa 445.9 km (277.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 1, Itakaiet, circa 445.9 km (277.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 1, 3, circa 445.9 km (277.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 1, 9, circa 446 km (277.1 mi) north
Pyramid of Senusret 1, circa 445.9 km (277.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 1, 8, circa 446 km (277.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 1, 4, circa 445.9 km (277.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 1, 5, circa 446 km (277.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 1, 7, circa 446.1 km (277.2 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 1, 6, circa 446.1 km (277.2 mi) north
Itj-Tawy, Lisht, circa 446.8 km (277.6 mi) north
Dja, Narmouthis, Medinet Madi, circa 429.8 km (267.1 mi) north-west
Pyramid of Amenemhat 1, circa 447.4 km (278 mi) north
Bacchias, Kom Umm el-Atl, circa 450.8 km (280.1 mi) north-west
Karanis, Kom Aushim, circa 452.1 km (280.9 mi) north-west
Nabta Playa, Calendar circle, circa 405 km (251.7 mi) south-west
Nabta Playa, Complex structure A, circa 406.6 km (252.7 mi) south-west
Pyramid of Amenemhat 4, South Pyramid at Mazghuna, circa 467.3 km (290.4 mi) north
North Pyramid at Mazghuna, Sobekneferu, circa 467.9 km (290.8 mi) north
Pyramid DAS 53, circa 468.1 km (290.8 mi) north
Ibshek, Pachoras, Faras, circa 410.1 km (254.8 mi) south
Pyramid of Ameny-Quemau, circa 468.7 km (291.2 mi) north
Pyramid South-Dahshur A, circa 469.4 km (291.7 mi) north
Pyramid South Dahshur B, circa 469.4 km (291.7 mi) north
Dahshur, Acanthus, circa 470.4 km (292.3 mi) north
Pyramid of Amenemhat 3 (A), Black Pyramid, circa 470.4 km (292.3 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Snefru (B), circa 470.5 km (292.4 mi) north
Pyramid of Snefru (B), Bent Pyramid, circa 470.7 km (292.5 mi) north
Lepsius Pyramid 55, circa 471.2 km (292.8 mi) north
Lepsius Pyramid 54, circa 471.7 km (293.1 mi) north
Cemetery of 4th Dynasty, circa 471.6 km (293 mi) north
Lepsius Pyramid 53, circa 471.9 km (293.2 mi) north
Lepsius Pyramid 52, circa 471.9 km (293.2 mi) north
Pyramid of Amenemhat 2, White Pyramid, circa 471.9 km (293.3 mi) north
Euhemereia, Eufemeria, Dayr al-Banat, circa 452.1 km (280.9 mi) north-west
Helwan, circa 474.6 km (294.9 mi) north
Lepsius Pyramid 50, circa 472.8 km (293.8 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 473.2 km (294 mi) north
Pyramid of Snefru (C), Red Pyramid, circa 472.7 km (293.7 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 473.2 km (294 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 473.2 km (294 mi) north
Pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 473.3 km (294.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 473.3 km (294.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 473.3 km (294.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 473.4 km (294.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 473.4 km (294.1 mi) north
Pyramid SAK S 7, circa 474.5 km (294.8 mi) north
Pyramid of Djehuti, circa 474.6 km (294.9 mi) north
Pyramid of Khendjer, circa 474.8 km (295 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Khendjer, circa 474.8 km (295 mi) north
Pyramid SAK S 3, circa 474.9 km (295.1 mi) north
Mennefer, Memphis, circa 475.9 km (295.7 mi) north
Pyramid of Shepseskaf, circa 475.7 km (295.6 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 2, Wedjebten, circa 475.8 km (295.6 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Pepi 2, circa 475.8 km (295.7 mi) north
Pyramid of Qakare Ibi, circa 475.9 km (295.7 mi) north
Pyramid of Pepi 2, circa 475.9 km (295.7 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 2, Neith, circa 476 km (295.8 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 2, Iput II, circa 476 km (295.7 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Djedkare Isesi, circa 476.8 km (296.2 mi) north
Pyramid of Djedkare Isesi, circa 476.8 km (296.3 mi) north
Pyramid of unidentified queen, circa 476.9 km (296.3 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Merenre, circa 476.9 km (296.3 mi) north
Pyramid of Merenre, circa 476.9 km (296.3 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Nebwenet, circa 477.2 km (296.5 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Ankhesenpepi II, circa 477.1 km (296.5 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Meritites II, circa 477.1 km (296.5 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Inenek-Inti, circa 477.2 km (296.5 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Pepi 1, circa 477.2 km (296.5 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, west pyramid, circa 477.2 km (296.5 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Ankhesenpepi III, circa 477.2 km (296.5 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Haaheru and Neterikhethor, circa 477.2 km (296.5 mi) north
Pyramid of Pepi 1, circa 477.2 km (296.5 mi) north
Pyramid of Rehrrychefnakht, circa 477.2 km (296.5 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Behenu, circa 477.2 km (296.5 mi) north
Funerary temple of Unas, circa 478.3 km (297.2 mi) north
Soknopaiou Nesos, Dimai, circa 462.9 km (287.6 mi) north-west
Horemheb Memphite tomb, circa 478.5 km (297.4 mi) north
Pyramid of Sekhemkhet, Buried Pyramid, Djoserteti, circa 478.6 km (297.4 mi) north
Pyramid of Unas, circa 478.8 km (297.5 mi) north
Saqqara, circa 479 km (297.6 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Userkaf, Neferhetepes, circa 479.1 km (297.7 mi) north
Pyramid of Djoser, Step-pyramid, circa 479.1 km (297.7 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Userkaf, circa 479.2 km (297.8 mi) north
Great Enclosure, Gisr el-Mudir, circa 478.9 km (297.6 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Teti, circa 479.3 km (297.8 mi) north
Pyramid of Userkaf, circa 479.3 km (297.8 mi) north
Mastaba of Nebka (Sanacht), circa 479.2 km (297.7 mi) north
Pyramid of Teti, circa 479.4 km (297.9 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Teti, Sesheshet, circa 479.4 km (297.9 mi) north
Mastaba of Ankhmahor, circa 479.5 km (297.9 mi) north
Mastaba of Kagemni, circa 479.5 km (297.9 mi) north
Mastaba of Mereruka, circa 479.5 km (297.9 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Teti, Khuit, circa 479.5 km (297.9 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Teti, Iput I, circa 479.5 km (298 mi) north
Mastaba of Ptahhotep, circa 479.4 km (297.9 mi) north
Serapeum at Saqqara, circa 479.8 km (298.1 mi) north
Mastaba of Ti, circa 479.9 km (298.2 mi) north
Temple at Deir el-Hagar, circa 379.5 km (235.8 mi) west
Kerkeosiris, Al Gharq Qebli, circa 422 km (262.2 mi) north-west
Lepsius Pyramid 25, circa 481.8 km (299.4 mi) north
Lepsius Pyramid 24, circa 481.8 km (299.4 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Neferirkara, circa 481.9 km (299.5 mi) north
Mastaba of Khentkaus II, circa 481.9 km (299.4 mi) north
Pyramid of Neferefra, circa 481.9 km (299.4 mi) north
Pyramid of Neferirkara, circa 482 km (299.5 mi) north
Mastaba of Ptah-shepses, circa 482.1 km (299.6 mi) north
Br-wsir, Abusir, circa 482.2 km (299.6 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Sahura, circa 482.2 km (299.6 mi) north
Pyramid of Sahura, circa 482.3 km (299.7 mi) north
Unfinished Pyramid of Abusir, circa 482.4 km (299.8 mi) north
Solar Temple of Userkaf, circa 482.6 km (299.9 mi) north
Solar Temple of Nyuserre-Ini, circa 483.2 km (300.3 mi) north
Abu Ghurab, circa 483.3 km (300.3 mi) north
Maadi, circa 487.7 km (303.1 mi) north
Pyramid of Khaba, Layer Pyramid, circa 487.2 km (302.7 mi) north
Troyu, Tura, circa 491.4 km (305.4 mi) north
Pyramid of Snefru (A), Collapsed Pyramid, Meidum, circa 429.9 km (267.1 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Snefru (A), circa 429.8 km (267.1 mi) north
Meydum mastaba 17, circa 430 km (267.2 mi) north
Western tombs field, circa 430.2 km (267.3 mi) north
Mastaba of Nefermaat and Atet, Mastaba 16, circa 430.5 km (267.5 mi) north
Mastaba of Rahotep, circa 430.7 km (267.6 mi) north
Heit el-Ghurab, circa 491.9 km (305.6 mi) north
Mastaba of Khentkaus I, G 8400, circa 492.2 km (305.9 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Menkaura, Khamerernebti II, G III-a, circa 492.3 km (305.9 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Menkaura, G III-b, circa 492.3 km (305.9 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Menkaura, G III-c, circa 492.3 km (305.9 mi) north
Pyramid of Menkaura, circa 492.4 km (305.9 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Khafre, G II-a, circa 492.5 km (306 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Khufu, Henutsen, G I-c, circa 492.7 km (306.1 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Khufu, G I-d, circa 492.7 km (306.2 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Khufu, Meritites I, G I-b, circa 492.7 km (306.2 mi) north
Pyramid of Khafre, circa 492.6 km (306.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Khufu, Hetepheres I, G I-a, circa 492.8 km (306.2 mi) north
Mastaba of Hetepheres I, circa 492.8 km (306.2 mi) north
Pyramid of Khufu, circa 492.9 km (306.3 mi) north
Iunu, Heliopolis, circa 504.4 km (313.4 mi) north
Lepsius Pyramid 1, circa 500.6 km (311.1 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Djedefre, circa 500.2 km (310.8 mi) north
Abu Rawash, circa 500.6 km (311.1 mi) north
Queen's pyramid of Djedefre, Khentetenka or Hetepheres II, circa 500.2 km (310.8 mi) north
Pyramid of Djedefre, circa 500.2 km (310.8 mi) north
Aelana, Aila, Aqaba, circa 483.2 km (300.3 mi) north-east
Khem, Letopolis, Ausim, circa 508 km (315.7 mi) north
Serapeum at Ismailia, Sarabiyum, circa 526.5 km (327.1 mi) north
Berenice Panchrysos, circa 494.3 km (307.1 mi) south-east
Ney-ta-hut, Leontopolis, Tell el-Yahudiya (east), circa 520.2 km (323.3 mi) north
El Kom el-Ahmar, circa 520.7 km (323.5 mi) north
Tjeku, Zuko, Succoth, Tell el Maskhuta, circa 536.3 km (333.2 mi) north
Bilbeis, Phelbs, circa 529.5 km (329 mi) north
Pi-Atum, Pithom, circa 537.3 km (333.9 mi) north
Heroopolis, circa 537.5 km (334 mi) north
Philoteris, circa 456 km (283.4 mi) north-west
Kafr Hassan Daoud, circa 536.2 km (333.2 mi) north
Tell er-Retaba, circa 538.3 km (334.5 mi) north
Ezion Geber, circa 506.3 km (314.6 mi) north-east
Shagamba, circa 534.2 km (331.9 mi) north
Kuntillet Ajrud, circa 526.4 km (327.1 mi) north
Dionysias, Qasr Qarun, circa 460.8 km (286.3 mi) north-west
Tell el-Kebir, circa 540.6 km (335.9 mi) north
Valley of the Golden Mummies, Ain el-Rrees, circa 461.9 km (287 mi) north-west
Basilica at El-Haiz, El-Hayz, circa 462.1 km (287.1 mi) north-west
Suwa, circa 541.3 km (336.3 mi) north
Sadd el-Kafara, circa 465.4 km (289.2 mi) north
Athar es Saadiyyin, circa 539.1 km (335 mi) north
Wadi al Hitan, Valley of the Whales, circa 467.1 km (290.2 mi) north-west
Rock Cut Tombs at Qaret Qasr es Salim, circa 469.7 km (291.8 mi) north-west
Temple of Snefru, circa 471 km (292.7 mi) north
Arab el Sheikh Mubarak, circa 551.8 km (342.9 mi) north
Temple of Amun at Ain el-Mouftella, circa 472 km (293.3 mi) north-west
Toachris, Kom el-Qal'a, circa 472.9 km (293.8 mi) north
Temple of Alexander The Great, circa 472.9 km (293.9 mi) north-west
Gezira el-Tawila, circa 553.9 km (344.2 mi) north
Hut-Heryib, Athribis, Benha, Tell Atrib, circa 543.9 km (337.9 mi) north
Merimde Beni-Salama, circa 535.7 km (332.9 mi) north
Tell Abu el Rus, circa 558 km (346.7 mi) north
Tell el-Gindiya, Shillu, circa 558.4 km (347 mi) north
Tukh el-Qaramus, circa 557.4 km (346.4 mi) north
Pa-Kes, Kessan, Goshen, Faqus, circa 560.2 km (348.1 mi) north
Queisna, circa 550.6 km (342.1 mi) north
Headless Pyramid, Lepsius Pyramid 29, circa 479.5 km (297.9 mi) north
Abu Yasin, circa 560.7 km (348.4 mi) north
Tell Abu Sefeh, Tell Abu Seifa, circa 569.9 km (354.1 mi) north
Pyramid of Ini, Nyuserre, circa 482.1 km (299.5 mi) north
Abusir pyramids complex, circa 482.1 km (299.6 mi) north
Mit Yaish, circa 557 km (346.1 mi) north
Hatwaret, Avaris, Rowaty, Tell ed-Dab'a, circa 566.3 km (351.9 mi) north
Kom Manous, Zawiyet Razin, circa 547.1 km (340 mi) north
Kom el-Ahmar, circa 568.3 km (353.1 mi) north
Tjafanet, Tahpanhes, Daphnae Pelusiae, Baal Zephon, circa 570.9 km (354.7 mi) north
Pi-Ramesse, Per-Ramessu, Raamses, circa 567.5 km (352.7 mi) north
T-78, circa 574.4 km (356.9 mi) north
El Kom el-Akhdar, circa 562.9 km (349.8 mi) north
Kom Biltus, circa 549.1 km (341.2 mi) north
Kufr Nigm, circa 566.8 km (352.2 mi) north
Terenuthis, Teraniek, Kom Abu Billo, circa 549.9 km (341.7 mi) north
Taremu, Leontopolis, Tell el-Muqdam, circa 563 km (349.8 mi) north
Tell el-Borg, circa 576.7 km (358.3 mi) north
Tell Zinein, circa 573.8 km (356.5 mi) north
Kafr el-Ashiri, Kom Barhim, circa 553.5 km (343.9 mi) north
Kom Abu Zeid, circa 553.6 km (344 mi) north
Tell Hebua II, circa 577.7 km (358.9 mi) north
Imet, Tell Nebesheh, Tell Farun, circa 573.3 km (356.2 mi) north
Tell Ebadah, circa 578.5 km (359.4 mi) north
Tjaru, Sile, Miktol, Migdol, Tell Hebua I, circa 578.1 km (359.2 mi) north
Tell Ibrahim Awad, circa 573.1 km (356.1 mi) north
Pyramid of Baka, circa 488.3 km (303.4 mi) north
Tell Abu Kharufa, Tell Zuwelen, circa 574.9 km (357.2 mi) north
Tawahin Ikrash Area, circa 569.3 km (353.8 mi) north
Tell Natura, circa 572.1 km (355.5 mi) north
Diarb Nigm, circa 568.7 km (353.4 mi) north
Tell er-Herr, circa 581.3 km (361.2 mi) north
Minshat Abu Omar, circa 577.9 km (359.1 mi) north
Tell Ginn, circa 578.4 km (359.4 mi) north
Tell Gumaiyima, circa 577.2 km (358.7 mi) north
Tell el Iswid, circa 576.3 km (358.1 mi) north
Tell Kedua, circa 583.2 km (362.4 mi) north
El Kom el-Tawil, circa 557.4 km (346.4 mi) north
Tell Amd, Tell Soweida, circa 580.7 km (360.8 mi) north
Gezira Abu Umran, circa 575.9 km (357.8 mi) north
Baramkin, circa 572.1 km (355.5 mi) north
Gezira Abu Mitawi, circa 577.7 km (359 mi) north
Minshat Ezzat, circa 574.1 km (356.7 mi) north
Shon Yusef, circa 572.6 km (355.8 mi) north
Fortress at Shalfak, circa 493.1 km (306.4 mi) south
Herakleopolis parva, Tell Belim, circa 584 km (362.9 mi) north
Tell Zuwelen, Tell Sueilin, circa 581.6 km (361.4 mi) north
Tell Sanhur, circa 583.8 km (362.8 mi) north
Tell Geziret el Faras, circa 580.4 km (360.6 mi) north
Tell el-Farkha, circa 579.3 km (360 mi) north
Fortress at Uronarti, circa 496.5 km (308.5 mi) south
Markaz el-Shuhada, Sersana, circa 565.1 km (351.1 mi) north
Pelusium, Pelusion, circa 589.6 km (366.4 mi) north
Tell Abu Husa, circa 583.7 km (362.7 mi) north
Tomb NRT-II at Tanis, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb NRT-VII at Tanis, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of Takelot 1, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of Prince Hornakhte, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb NRT-VI at Tanis, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of Osorkon 2, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of Shoshenq 5, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of General Ankhefenmut, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of General Wendebauendjed, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of Amenemope, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of Psusennes 1, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of Psusennes 2, Shoshenq 2, Siamun, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb NRT-IV at Tanis, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of Shoshenq 3, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Tomb of Shoshenq 4, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Djanet, Tanis, Zoan, San el-Hagar, circa 586.6 km (364.5 mi) north
Kom el-Khilgan, circa 583.2 km (362.4 mi) north
Tell Umm el Lahm (S), Abu Arideh, circa 586.2 km (364.3 mi) north
Tags Sites + Landmarks
Database ID 734, created 25 Dec 2012, 01:34, Last changed 25 Dec 2012, 03:18