Königsaue overview
Region Europe
Section Central Europe
Latitude 51.82171125 N suggest info
Longitude 11.39897905 E
Status Accurate location
Info Middle paleolithic site where findings of circa 6000 flints have been excavated, including a few bifacially worked knives (Keilmesser) and small pointed hand axes of Micoquien type (Faustkeilblätter).
Middle Paleolithic
time frame from circa 50000 BCE to circa 41000 BCE
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51.821711, 11.398979 === 51.821711 N, 11.398979 E === 51° 49' 18.2" N, 11° 23' 56.3" E
Sachsen-Anhalt State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology
The State Museum of Saxony-Anhalt in Halle is known throughout the world as the home of the Nebra Sky Disc, but even without this spectacular find the museum would be outstanding. It is a part of the archaeological conservation service in Saxony-Anhalt and hosts one of the oldest, most extensive and most important archaeological collections in Germany.
Nearest sites Bilzingsleben, circa 64.8 km (40.3 mi) south-west
Goseck circle, circa 76.5 km (47.5 mi) south-east
Mound of Seddin, Königsgrab von Seddin, circa 151.2 km (93.9 mi) north-east
Heunischenburg, circa 175.8 km (109.3 mi) south
Phabiranum, Bremen, circa 224.2 km (139.3 mi) north-west
Glauberg, circa 237.3 km (147.5 mi) south-west
Kastell Hunnenkirchhof, circa 248.8 km (154.6 mi) south-west
Kastell Saalburg, circa 262.5 km (163.1 mi) south-west
Nida, Heddernheim, circa 267.7 km (166.3 mi) south-west
Francorum vadus, Franconofurd, Frankfurt, circa 268.9 km (167.1 mi) south-west
Kastell Kleiner Feldberg, circa 272.2 km (169.2 mi) south-west
Vicus Vetus Ulpius, Dieburg, circa 278.9 km (173.3 mi) south-west
Kastell Zugmantel, circa 287.9 km (178.9 mi) south-west
Rüsselsheim, circa 291.7 km (181.3 mi) south-west
Kastell Kemel, circa 299.9 km (186.3 mi) south-west
Kastell Holzhausen, circa 300.3 km (186.6 mi) south-west
Kastell Gunzenhausen, circa 304.6 km (189.3 mi) south
Kastell Hunzel, circa 304.9 km (189.5 mi) south-west
Kastell Ems, circa 305.9 km (190.1 mi) west
Iciniacum, Kastell Theilenhofen, circa 306.2 km (190.3 mi) south
≫ more...
Database ID 1858, created 29 Jul 2012, 16:02, Last changed 29 Jul 2012, 16:05