Mound of Seddin overview
Other name(s) Königsgrab von Seddin
Region Europe
Section Central Europe
Latitude 53.13520082 N suggest info
Longitude 11.97459931 E
Status Accurate location
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53.135201, 11.974599 === 53.135201 N, 11.974599 E === 53° 8' 6.7" N, 11° 58' 28.6" E
Web Mound of Seddin at German Wikipedia
Nearest sites Königsaue, circa 151.2 km (93.9 mi) south-west
Phabiranum, Bremen, circa 211.4 km (131.4 mi) west
Goseck circle, circa 215.5 km (133.9 mi) south
Bilzingsleben, circa 215.7 km (134 mi) south-west
Haithabu, Hedeby, circa 218.5 km (135.8 mi) north-west
Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson's castle, circa 259.8 km (161.4 mi) north
Ales stenar, circa 284 km (176.5 mi) north-east
Abalus?, Heligoland, Helgoland, circa 293.9 km (182.6 mi) west
Heunischenburg, circa 325.3 km (202.2 mi) south
Glauberg, circa 375.1 km (233.1 mi) south-west
Kastell Hunnenkirchhof, circa 380.1 km (236.2 mi) south-west
Biskupin, circa 388.3 km (241.3 mi) east
Kastell Saalburg, circa 395.6 km (245.8 mi) south-west
Kleine Feldhofer Grotte, circa 403.1 km (250.5 mi) west
Nida, Heddernheim, circa 403.4 km (250.7 mi) south-west
Kastell Kleiner Feldberg, circa 404.6 km (251.4 mi) south-west
Francorum vadus, Franconofurd, Frankfurt, circa 405.7 km (252.1 mi) south-west
Castra Vetera I, Xanten, circa 407.3 km (253.1 mi) west
Colonia Ulpia Traiana, Tricensimae, Sanctos super Rhenum, Sanctum, Santen, Xanten, circa 409.2 km (254.3 mi) west
Castra Vetera II, Xanten, circa 409.6 km (254.5 mi) west
≫ more...
Database ID 28962, created 30 Aug 2016, 19:27, Last changed 30 Aug 2016, 19:30