Qarnawu overview
Region Arabia
Section Minaean
Latitude 16.12798818 N suggest info
Longitude 44.81491972 E
Status Accurate location
Info Qarnawu was presumably founded at the time the Minaean Kingdom appeared in about 500 BCE; after the end of Sabaean rule over Ma’in in about 400 BCE Qarnawu became the capital of Ma'in for a time. At the end of the Minaean Kingdom in the 1st century BCE, Qarnawu lost its importance, and was probably abandoned not long after.
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16.127988, 44.814920 === 16.127988 N, 44.814920 E === 16° 7' 40.8" N, 44° 48' 53.7" E
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Nearest sites Marib, Awam, circa 99.1 km (61.6 mi) south-east
Azal, Uzal, Sana'a, circa 107.2 km (66.6 mi) south-west
Timna, circa 162.6 km (101 mi) south-east
Zafar, Dhafar, circa 217.6 km (135.2 mi) south
Shabwa, circa 251.3 km (156.1 mi) east
Aden, circa 373.2 km (231.9 mi) south
Deire, Berenice Epideires, circa 439.6 km (273.2 mi) south
Database ID 7135, created 30 Mar 2014, 12:35, Last changed 30 Mar 2014, 12:35