Zafar overview
Other name(s) Dhafar
Modern name(s) Zafar
Region Arabia
Section Himyarite
Latitude 14.21175142 N suggest info
Longitude 44.40341925 E
Status Accurate location
External Links
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14.211751, 44.403419 === 14.211751 N, 44.403419 E === 14° 12' 42.3" N, 44° 24' 12.3" E
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Web Zafar at Wikipedia
Nearest sites Azal, Uzal, Sana'a, circa 128.6 km (79.9 mi) north
Marib, Awam, circa 167.5 km (104.1 mi) north-east
Timna, circa 175.6 km (109.1 mi) north-east
Qarnawu, circa 217.6 km (135.2 mi) north
Deire, Berenice Epideires, circa 228.8 km (142.2 mi) south-west
Shabwa, circa 310 km (192.6 mi) north-east
Avalites, Zaila, Saylac, circa 333.5 km (207.2 mi) south
Laas Geel, Laas Gaal, circa 492.7 km (306.2 mi) south
Database ID 7136, created 5 Aug 2012, 10:42, Last changed 5 Aug 2012, 10:44